orchid$55485$ - ορισμός. Τι είναι το orchid$55485$
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Τι (ποιος) είναι orchid$55485$ - ορισμός

Holy Ghost Orchid; Dove Orchid; Dove orchid; Eckartia; Holy Ghost orchid; Holy ghost orchid; Peristeria (orchid)

The Orchid Review         
Orchid Rev
The Orchid Review, published quarterly by the Royal Horticultural Society, is a magazine 'dedicated to the celebration and deeper understanding of orchids'. It is the world's oldest existing periodical devoted to orchids and each issue features articles by internationally acclaimed experts on subjects such as cultivation, in-depth plant profiles, historical investigation, orchid exploration and all the latest from the world of orchid growing and showing.
Orchid Line         
  • Triple gauge pointwork
The Orchid Line
The Orchid Line is a multi-gauge miniature railway operating within the Curraghs Wildlife Park in the north of the Isle of Man and is operated by the Manx Model Engineering Society. It was opened in May 1992.
Dactylorhiza purpurella         
Northern Marsh-orchid; Orchis purpurella; Dactylorchis purpurella; Dactylorhiza majalis ssp. purpurella; Dactylorhiza majalis var. purpurella; Northern Marsh orchid; Dactylorhiza cambrensis; Northern Marsh Orchid; Northern marsh orchid; Northern marsh-orchid
Dactylorhiza purpurella, the northern marsh orchid, is an orchid native to Great Britain, Ireland and Denmark.Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families


Peristeria (plant)

Peristeria is a genus of plants of the family Orchidaceae commonly called dove orchid or Holy Ghost orchid. In line with the common name, the genus' name is from the Greek word peristerion meaning "from dove". According to the Royal Horticultural Society, Per is the official orchid abbreviation for this genus. In nature, it is found across much of South America as well as in Panama, Costa Rica and Trinidad.

Peristeria elata is the national flower of Panama and is extremely over-collected in its native habitat. This over collection has led to its status as a species threatened with extinction delineated in Appendix I of CITES. In its native habitat, Peristeria can usually be found growing near the edge of hardwood forests. In the fall, after the trees in the hardwood forest lose their leaves, the plants are exposed to full sun throughout the cool, dry winter. Species in this genus are either epiphytic or terrestrial in growth habit.